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Politically Enraged

Politically Enraged

By Politically Enraged

Political rantery for angry lefties! Politically enraged was my brain child as I got more angry about how ostracised you can feel wherever you sit in the lefty political spectrum and what we can do to fight back… from winning the war on woke to making politicians honest again stay tuned for political chat to soothe your lefty nerves.
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Episode 32: What is "British" & the polarisation of politics and society

Politically EnragedAug 03, 2022

We're all Politically Selfish

We're all Politically Selfish

We are all politically selfish but we can try not to be- part of that comes by embracing the truth of our political views' limitations and confronting bad behaviour in our political circles. Ultimately, we can deal with it by being honest about where we stand and with whom. If you don't withdraw support for bad behaviour in your political spheres, are you not contributing to the problems of it?

Maybe listening to those who raise concerns about your political stances is how to strengthen and improve them and - if necessary- change them if they're wrong, rather than pig headed surety that we're all right and everyone else is wrong.

Oct 24, 202325:36
Political lying is dangerous

Political lying is dangerous

Watching clips from the tory conference has only shored up my fears that political lying is utterly normalised in the UK. The concern that we cannot trust our elected representatives to tell us the truth on issues we care about is utter madness- so why aren't more people up in arms.

In Peter Obornes book about political lying, he attributes its acceleration to Trump and Johnson. But those men take advantage of an inherent flaw in society- that many people are so desperately wedded to right wing ideology, they'd prefer lies about its efficacy over the factual truth of the damage it's done to our nations.

As this acceptance of lies arose amongst the political right, the political left should have demanded honesty- but at every turn we have fallen into the trap of the right, trying to apply a justice system and fairness rules that they operate outside of, whilst holding us to it's harshest outcomes.

The concern of where this leads is multi-faceted and grows ever nearer- so why aren't more people, more people against the tories, up in arms about it. And why is it that our only escape from the conservatives is being swaddled in the cloth of "sensible conservatism" when it's so clear that fealty to that ideology is why we're in such a mess?

Oct 03, 202326:31
Right- but what's the actual game plan fellas?

Right- but what's the actual game plan fellas?

Rachel Reeves was recently on LBC answering people's questions, and after being schooled by a friend of mine who you should follow everywhere @nojustice she was asked why she was using tory policy to fight back against tory problems, to which she responded with tory rhetoric- Reeves said she wants to "grow the economy to fight inequality"- where have we heard that before? Oh yes, Liz Truss and her magic growing pie!

The time is approaching to understand the nuts and bolts of fiscal policy and stating "I want to grow the economy" is like saying "I want to do my job". We have to have a clear understanding of what fiscal changes will be made to move us past this dark period of time.

Ultimately, as I've explained several times my enemy isn't labour- it's conservatism. And if Labour continue to spout conservative talking points and rhetoric I feel within my rights to be frustrated about that in the extreme. We have to move past conservatism- so let's do that, shall we.

Sep 08, 202320:17
What if I'm right

What if I'm right

Two weeks ago I said I wouldn't vote for a party who endorses transphobia. It's not for me to teach people why a weak stance on equality is a bad look for a political party of any stripe, plus it's a waste of time- those disingenuous enough to claim there isn't a valid, and wide point there, are fully cognisant of my reasoning- they just reject it because they fear it applies to them. But I want to pose a question in today's episode- what if I'm right? I mention labour's (at least perceived) slide into conservative viewpoints and I pose the question- what if they do mean what they say, and want to offer us a continuation of the conservatism that's brought us this low? Focusing on getting the tories out is fine and good- but ignoring the looming concern of more conservatism is to ignore the problems we'll face in the years to come, and I can't focus on the short term as the long term gets bleaker.

Aug 14, 202328:05
Standing up for what you believe in is tory enabling now, apparently.

Standing up for what you believe in is tory enabling now, apparently.

Voting for parties who are pro minorities isn't tory enabling, it's sending a message to anti minority parties that they don't get support if they don't back minority rights and protections. The simpering folk who think UK labour showing up at pride with fancy t shirts is a sign they're pro minority are fools. Labour hasn't proved for a long time that it's on the side of LGBT+ people and I knew that if they didn't improve, it would become a wedge issue for me. Their desperation to appeal to knuckle draggers has sickened me, and those who have continued to say what they're doing is necessary fail to realise that their own inaction is what causes labour's foolish thought that this is what people want: as labour move to the right to appease bigot voters who don't like them anyway, their core base refuse to stand up to them out of fear of another tory win- labour just see this as an endorsement of bigotry so continue on, and as more minorities peel away a doubling down occurs, the same foolish "hold your nerve" rhetoric as Truss and even Sunak have been stating- but this isnt about the economy. It's about playing Russian roulette with minority rights, and we don't have to sit around and find out whether labour are firing blanks at us, or if they fully intend to let us be the casualties that help them win- if our "allies" stood with us and told labour they could get lost til they moderate their stance, labour would have no choice but to do just that. But apparently it's easier to accuse people tired of labour's crooning at bigots of being tory enablers.

Aug 07, 202333:36
Just tell the F*ing truth!!

Just tell the F*ing truth!!

Lying has been mainstreamed by politics, with people on the individual level convinced that they can lie and mislead with impunity- everything from why the economy is ruined to who is sleeping with who to what the passcode to a phone is- culture and politics are both sticky with lies.

Jul 14, 202323:09
The 'long game'

The 'long game'

There's two things I loathe from people more of my political leaning- those who talk about right wing appeasement being a long game, and those who think that lowering their standards to "anyone but the tories" is a helpful political stance. Now, more than ever, we need to be relentlessly pressuring politicians to do what we need them to. A failure at this point to make brave, necessary changes to everything from economy to media mismanagement of fact, will lead to a worsening of the socio-political status quo, and if that happens, a very scary door opens after the next election.

We need brave, competent leadership more than ever before right now. So you- you listening to this, stake your claim. Raise it with your political friends, have the awkward discussions around why 'at least they aren't the tories' isn't a defence of mediocre government- and why we need to ask for more, not less.

Jul 04, 202324:40
Are you an "ally"- or an ally?

Are you an "ally"- or an ally?

There's this perception that allyship is easy, when genuine allyship is fraught with making mistakes and taking a genuine, hard look at yourself and asking if you might consciously or unconsciously perpetuate some of the cruelties you may claim to stand against. There's also a perception that it's all fun and games. Allyship sometimes means taking the hatred, vitriol and insanity that comes with standing with minoritised people.

This pride month has been so disappointing- seeing Oxfam pull their video where anti trans people were correctly identified as a vitriolic hate group who bully trans people then offer a mealy "everyone is allowed to exist UwU" statement, watching sports teams and celebrities espouse support for the LGBT+ only to remove it when receiving a fraction of the hate we receive ourselves just for existing, or sharing damaging propaganda which is designed to further demonise us in the eyes of a society that barely grudgingly tolerates us at the best of times.

I feel like we're at the doorway of a descent into a very dark time when people are going to continue to condone escalating rhetoric against us- prove me wrong. Understand what an ally is, what allyship is, face up to whatever dark thoughts you have and deal with & conquer them- and help us to stop the escalating hatred before we pass through the threshold.

Jun 07, 202332:49
S2 Episode 6 - Ethics, morals, politics and the UK

S2 Episode 6 - Ethics, morals, politics and the UK

We are objectively in an ethical crisis when it comes to British politics. From Braverman's ongoing dishonesty about Rwanda and speeding to Sunak and Johnson's repeated lawbreaking. The problem is the splash damage that their foolishness causes. We're struggling with myriad issues in the UK and we can't even talk about how to navigate these crises because we're fixated on the never ending stream of scandal- and when we do, finally, exhausted, wade our way to the centre, the moment we could finally discuss the policy we find completely unworkable policy not meant to help British people suffering, only to either aid the conservatives in their mediocrity or to do functionally nothing but give pundits something to point to in their never ending defence of this shower.

What happened to politics? When did we collectively give the greenlight for morals to go out the window, for politicians to decide that lies and scandal were their main business, instead of being public servants? And how do we get back to decency... and can we?

May 29, 202330:41
S2 Episode 5 - Radcons or Tradcons- it's still cons to me

S2 Episode 5 - Radcons or Tradcons- it's still cons to me

I don't care whose mouth conservatism comes out of, it's bad. Seems to me it's also the only option we have in the UK right now, being as everyone thinks it's simply marvellous and I'm fed up of this being the only perceived option.

Labour's current stances on things like immigration, NHS privatisation, culture war rhetoric, brexit- all are huge concerns to me, and whilst I'm not a fool and know that a labour government wouldn't be as much of a chaos filled train wreck as the radical conservatives with their stop the boats but not your cars tax dodging law breaking nonsense, I have to ask myself about the big policies we're being offered and how I feel.

An aversion to renegotiating brexit is a red flag- "temporary outsourcing" won't save the NHS and eschewing leftist voters to attract disenfranchised right wing voters who foam at the mouth for conservatism is a concern.

People are free to choose who they want to vote for, but if your defence of Labour is "they're just saying these things to win then they'll go back on it" I ask you what sort of meds you're on, because your plan is to vote for someone saying the opposite of what you want to hear and you're still going to vote for them..?

And if you expect that after labour has made myriad promises to disenfranchised cons voters to win, he'll go back on that and give you your centre left utopia, you're barmy. Now's the time for people with concerns about this iteration of labour to collectively impart a message about what sort of politics you want to see from them- if you don't do that, you won't get it and it's not because people like me are tory enabling by raising these issues- it's because you're letting labour dictate policy to you the same way the conservatives rattle on about the will of the people and what the public want, whilst doing precisely the opposite.

May 26, 202331:43
S2 E4: Raab-ing it in

S2 E4: Raab-ing it in

Dominic Raab is a well known political liability: he's long rumoured to be a human arseclown, but the bullying report forcing him to actually suffer some recompense must have come as a shock.

I'm so used to these people getting away with things I nearly fell off my chair when the news broke: but it leads to what we all know is coming: The civil service is too "w*ke", too politically correct and too full of do gooders to get things done. My riposte is: if you can't govern without being a horrible shitty human, perhaps you shouldn't be governing as it takes talent to manage people well- talent the tories lack.

But the issue is broader: older tories must be humiliated to be part of this gaping wound in British politics- and yet they stay. Newer Tories are mostly elected on the ticket of "getting Brexit done". It sure is done! Hey- how's the economy, civil rights and British living standards going?

The tories are talentless and Raab being found to be a bully is symptomatic of a government who doesn't have the talent, innovation - or right (aka, MANDATE) to govern.

Apr 22, 202322:01
S2 Episode 3: You made your bed, right wingers!

S2 Episode 3: You made your bed, right wingers!

Do you think right wingers in the UK are totally unaware of the fact that they always get what they want? They had to cheat, keeping our shitty voting system in place in order to do so in the last election; but regardless, they always win and they always whine about it.

Every day we get to hear "yes, we are in charge of every aspect of British economy and culture and we're miserable about it- BUT...", as though the increasing demand for further right politics and cultural alignment is normal.

Right wingers don't know how to be happy and I am so tired of hearing their endless, bottomless whining about the mess they make- like a four year old pouring ice cream down their trousers then crying that they're cold and damp, my sympathy is limited to the left, eternally forced to do the clean up whilst being told not to complain.

Apr 11, 202320:49
Season 2, Episode 2: The problem with "leftiness"

Season 2, Episode 2: The problem with "leftiness"

I'm so tired of fighting with people I agree with or losing support for people because of their behaviours. Seeing people thinking it's ok to be out and out xenophobic but it's ok because you're a Lexiteer, deflecting responsibility for your behaviours because you can't possibly be a bad person, right? Or just out and out partaking in bad behaviour under the smokescreen of "being a left winger".

The right is a seething cesspit of idiocy. But the left is caught somewhere between apologism for disgusting behaviour or looking at someone with whom we should ally and attacking them for dissenting views.

If your politics are nutty, flavourful and of use- maybe you should be able to defend them without resorting to open cruelty, ridiculous behaviour or stereotyping people out of relevance.

The UK can do better.

So when are we going to.

Apr 05, 202322:37
Season 2, Episode 1: BURNOUT B*TCH

Season 2, Episode 1: BURNOUT B*TCH

I am finding it so hard to engage with politics, because my hope for better is hanging by a thread. I want to recover, I want to get back to it, and I will. But for now, if you're able to keep fighting do it and I'll join you when I can. Don't give up because deep down, I know better is possible. I just need the chemicals in my brain to agree!

Apr 04, 202330:01
Episode 38 Featuring Aid Thompsin: It's a bit of a mess really isn't it?!

Episode 38 Featuring Aid Thompsin: It's a bit of a mess really isn't it?!

I met Aid because we both talk about politics and try to cope with madness using humour. We're in a small closed group of political chatterboxes and we mostly spend the day sending each other news articles and calling various political figures knob cheeses. But I like talking to Aid because we also bounce different ideas off each other even if we don't agree. Today we talked about... well, *gestures wildly at the flaming world*.

Oct 06, 202201:26:10
Episode 37: Get off your knees, UK

Episode 37: Get off your knees, UK

Rise up together or fall together: the choice is yours. 

Oct 02, 202221:19
Episode 36: Financial Armageddon, Rupa Huq is dumb and stop infighting on the left for the 83923239th time.

Episode 36: Financial Armageddon, Rupa Huq is dumb and stop infighting on the left for the 83923239th time.

Truss and Kwarteng are amazing. Not in the good way, in the "I'm sat watching in amazement as the country implodes" kind of way. They do love the "technically we've only been in charge for 21 days" thing but this is the same inane sputtering set of guttural death rattlers who have been burping in the face of the British public for 12 years and 9 months: If they were a child, they'd be old enough to work in one of Jacob Rees-Moggs teenage workhouses.  Their economic plans will decimate the UK.

Rupa Huq is a bellend. What she said about Kwarteng is not ok, and it's at this point I remind you that when you weaponise someones' identity, if you dont think about the splash damage then what you say will probably be bigoted and stupid. 

And as for Jess Phillips and Owen Jones' little mingefest at the conference: that's exactly the sort of dross inane garbage that's going to keep the left from actually implementing any meaningful change ever- because everything turns into a who is the best lefty competition: grow up, call out the bad stuff, fix it and get stuff done. 

Sep 28, 202222:51
Episode 35: Are you OK, UK?!

Episode 35: Are you OK, UK?!

The country has gone absolutely mad.
The queen passed away which is sad in that "someone died and that's never nice" way, but people are being LEGALLY PREVENTED BY FEAR from expressing any feelings to the contrary about both that, and about her royal successor, K...Ki...King Charles............... Eurgh.

But this fits into a larger problem the UK has quietly faced forever; an aggrandised sense of how well we do independence. We lean heavy on regressive governments who make our lives worse, on royals who don't do anything other than occasionally interfere in democracy to hide their personal wealth, and now we have a weird state obsession with forcing the country into a black penguin suit and singing a eulogy half of us don't know the words to in tandem. 

The UK has a sickness, a deep gnawing desperate need to rely on other people and other things to tell us how to feel, how to act, what is appropriate.
Someone give us some medicine- we need it. 

Sep 12, 202222:47
Episode 34: There's people that are dying, Kim

Episode 34: There's people that are dying, Kim

I am exhausted lately.
Everywhere I turn, people I'm friends with, people I admire, people I have passing acquaintance with, fighting.
The a la carte these days seems to be "fight the wrong people". TERFS blame trans people for the crimes of cis men. Far left people blame Starmer for tory policy. Center left people blame laissez faire politicos for being inspired by, and therefore relentlessly backing Corbyn in spite of any flaws that emerge. The left is a bloodbath of Yharnam scale.

I honestly don't know if the left deserve to win, fractured as we are. But win we must because the tories are decimating our freedoms, regressing our equality and quite literally people are dying already, and will continue to do so.

The left in the UK has been fractured for a long time, and a big part of that is an unwillingness of every single facet to acknowledge the problems that they have within: credence towards claims of antisemitism or islamophobia the other way, stupid rhetoric around the Russia war or brexit, pejoratives about ethnic minorities, a ridiculous aversion to any sort of rhetoric against the UK's precious nuclear bomb, brexit- every facet of the left has issues, and NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT THEM.

We can keep going down this divisive path and lose lose lose- or we could act like adults and win together and enact at least SOME meaningful change, do SOMETHING good for people in poverty, undo some of the dangerous laws the tories passed, tax wealthy people. Make your f*cking choice lefties because right now you seem determined to bring every last bastion of safety down with the double weaponry of aversion to hearing criticism of yourselves, and a desperate need to demonise others.

Sep 01, 202225:37
Episode 33 Ft: Darren Campher - Yt Supremacy, capitalist mindset and moving forward

Episode 33 Ft: Darren Campher - Yt Supremacy, capitalist mindset and moving forward

As a geek it's probably a real indictment for me to call someone cool but- Darren is cool. He's a South African internet savant who pretty effortlessly created content to make you think. I found him randomly on Tiktok talking about racial disparity and instantly knew I had to get him on the podcast at some point and here it is! Darren's mindset is all too rare as someone who seems to have a real handle on why everything is so messed up, but actually seems to know how we move through it into something better, and in this episode we spoke about the rooting of white supremacy in capitalism, societal structures and how we grow through all of this.

I strongly advise giving his social media a follow: he's @CampherDarren on twitter, @Darrenofalkebulan on tiktok and @Darren_of_Alkebulan on insta; listen, follow and learn! 

Aug 18, 202233:00
Episode 32: What is "British" & the polarisation of politics and society

Episode 32: What is "British" & the polarisation of politics and society

I've caught so much crap from people on social media the last few weeks as I really started to deconstruct my stance on politics and my own biases. 

I've questioned Labour on their politics and stances on certain issues, asked questions about Corbyn's already infamous interview, I've slammed tories for their ridiculous stances and in this episode I'm asking you why we entwine the idea of rancid spaffs like Rees-Mogg with Britishness and why we simply refuse to hear any critique of things we like or believe before dismissal.

I hope you enjoy the episode and even if you dislike what I say I hope we can at least have some rational discourse about it!

Aug 03, 202227:31
Episode 31 Ft: Goattmeal - The final C*ntdown and what comes after
Jul 20, 202201:06:27
Episode 30: They're all scum!!!!

Episode 30: They're all scum!!!!

Every single member of the tory party keeps proving over and over that Angela Rayner's nickname for them was correct. 

Jul 14, 202223:58
Episode 29- Johnson's resignation & what we should strive for

Episode 29- Johnson's resignation & what we should strive for

I'm a socialist.

Honest to god it feels a bit like coming out as gay. The weird looks, the incredulous eyebrow raises. People think socialists all walk around with berets and drink Moet, plotting governmental upheaval. No, I just want better for society and a lot of the opinions I have fit socialist ideals.

The fact is, the status quo in the UK (and further afield) has been what you could term as "lacklustre at best" for many years. More people slipping out of the home ownership bracket, more food bank usage, more debt, depression, alcoholism, crime... the UK has been sinking into a mire for many years.

The tories who have been in charge for 12 years would have you believe that 13 years ago Blair released a pack of ravening wolves into the streets to tear at the public.
Simple question though- other than odd blips of other governance, have the tories not been in charge as society has declined for many years? When was the last time we had a renaissance with country wide unity, wealth distribution and more?

The short version of what I'm saying is- we don't need milquetoast middle of the road pleasing policy updates- we need upheaval, mass societal and political change- we need real, effectual change to uplift the ever increasing numbers in poverty, out of it, we need a fairer system in which we must live. Without those changes the speed at which people break may slow- but they will still break eventually.

The straw that broke the camel's back for Johnson was rape enabling.
What will the straw that breaks the back of society be if we don't work to reform a system that is an utter mess...?

Jul 07, 202224:24
Episode 28: What are you REALLY fighting for?

Episode 28: What are you REALLY fighting for?

I've always been totally enthralled by activists of every stripe. Enduring the vitriol that comes with raising your head up and saying that the status quo isn't good enough. I've always wished I had the strength to be an activist, to really stand for something and put myself out there that way. I don't know if I could handle the white hot hate some people get when they stand up for themselves and others, even if I try to do my own lukewarm version of activism.

Lately, my brain has been consumed with the question of whether I do enough. The answer is no. I will never do enough because it's like trying to hold water in your hands. Too many things happening, not enough time, not enough experience. But I will keep striving and trying to be an activist in the way that would make me truly proud even if I'll never achieve it.

The problem started as a quiet whisper originally: what if. What if people are right and I don't care about others who might suffer, who might not get looked after, if we get the tories out.

Will I stop fighting? Is just getting them out enough, or is this about the first step towards a wholesale change in society that makes everyone's lives better?
For me there's no question. This isn't about just kicking out a bad government. It's about the dismantling of a system that does not work for too many people. People who can get pregnant, people of colour, LGBT+, disabled people and all those people who sit amongst many or all of those communities, and those who don't.

This isn't a pet project for me. it's an obsession- I'm a keen study and am trying to learn how to do my best by everyone I can. But I'm learning and new.

The question for everyone else, the thing everyone needs to ask themselves is... is that what you're fighting for? Do you want systemic change, improvement, a better life for everyone?
Or are you just uncomfortable and long for the days when stuff was better- for you?
I don't want to return to the heady old days of a government who looks after most.

I want government who looks after us all.
Is that what you're fighting for...? And if not... why not? 

Jul 05, 202226:57
Episode 27: leftist fork in the road

Episode 27: leftist fork in the road

Which left is the right left? What a weird question, but relevant.
The world is going to hell and we're trying desperately to find tweets where someone said something bad 6 years ago- it's hardly the height of political activism, is it. 

My question is a genuine one and it applies across the whole spectrum of the left: why should I back your politics if you're immediately going to hate me because I don't already, how is it going to help us win and effect positive change?

I'm not afraid to admit that I don't know what the heck to do right now. We're in the most unprecedented times, further even beyond the dystopian mini story I still haven't finished writing... it's insane. 

But here we are, and rather than fighting or shutting down any part of the left my genuine question is, say your side is the best one: why, and how are you going to sort this mess out? 

We have to stop fighting- if we don't all we're going to do is talk about how great we'd be if only WE had the driver's seat, all the while we're chained up in the boot as the tories head towards the cliff edge like a coke & corruption fuelled Thelma & Louise.

So- let's do it. Let's talk about why people's politics are best, how, and how we could possibly just... be adults and work together.

That, or we can just sit outside of power bitching, yeah...?

Daviemoo is a 34 year old independent writer, radicalised into blogging about the political state of the world by Brexit and the election of serial failures like Trump and Johnson. Please check out the rest of the blog, check out Politically Enraged and share with your like minded friends! Also check him out on ko-fi where you can keep him caffeinated whilst he writes.

Jun 30, 202224:36
Episode 26: Roe Vs Wade: impact, consequences and reality

Episode 26: Roe Vs Wade: impact, consequences and reality

Roe Vs Wade being overturned is insane in so many ways it's hard to know where to start. Is it that a party that hasn't won the popular vote in over 25 years is making executive decisions that overturn enshrined right to basic healthcare for over 50% of American citizens? Is it further proof that extremism and zealotry are devouring America as it thrashes? Or is it the very real and varied stories of people whose lives will be ruined, cut short or snuffed out by the implications this has?

I spoke at length to the wonderful Gemma Clark, a Scottish teacher pushing Scottish government to do more to enshrine rights as the fundamentalists who helped this happen turn their beady eyes on the UK. Gemma is knowledgeable about everything to and around this topic, passionate and is someone I highly recommend you check out and speak with because her knowledge and passion are two of the various weapons we'll need to harness to stop this in its tracks, and help the people overseas whose lives will be upturned by this ridiculous decision. 

Daviemoo is a 34 year old independent writer, radicalised into blogging about the political state of the world by Brexit and the election of serial failures like Trump and Johnson. Please check out the rest of the blog, check out Politically Enraged and share with your like minded friends! Also check him out on ko-fi where you can keep him caffeinated whilst he writes.

Jun 26, 202201:23:45
Episode 25: Free F*cking Speech (lots of swearing)

Episode 25: Free F*cking Speech (lots of swearing)

Free speech at its core in the UK is the ability to critique the UK government without fear of reprisals provided you don't incite violence. It's a simple concept and a key one which is now at threat under polonium penis Dominic Raab and his diet human rights act. But so many red faced numpties across the UK think free speech is their ability to say bigoted or ignorant things without having the nearest furniture item lobbed at them. It isn't. Unfortunately for you we live in a world where we can, and should, be able to ensure people are able to live their lives peaceably. Your peaceful life doesn't revolve around your ability to say slurs, ours revolves around not being able to hear them.

It's indicative of the childishness of people that can't be told that their behaviour must be accounted for and it's time we stop pandering to people who think their ability to say stupid things shouldn't be curtailed if those things can risk harm- researching any of the mass shooters in the US over the last 15 years, almost all of them were radicalised into their actions via, amongst other things, extremist rhetoric bolstered by online discourse.

Say whatever you want- but don't be surprised if you get your ass handed to you if you do- saying what you want comes with a handy side helping of karma. 

Daviemoo is a 34 year old independent writer, radicalised into blogging about the political state of the world by Brexit and the election of serial failures like Trump and Johnson. Please check out the rest of the blog, check out Politically Enraged and share with your like minded friends! Also check him out on ko-fi where you can keep him caffeinated whilst he writes.

Jun 24, 202220:35
Episode 24: Why are we trying to shame someone who can't feel shame?

Episode 24: Why are we trying to shame someone who can't feel shame?

Boris Johnson cannot feel shame or regret: we continue to try to force him to feel it. Why? It does no good whatsoever to continue to throw ourselves at the brick wall of Johnson's pathology. We need to figure out a new play to beat the tories, because the old checks and balances don't work. It's like the tories are playing monopoly (quite literally) and we're playing chess... 

Lets work out how to fight back. 

Daviemoo is a 34 year old independent writer, radicalised into blogging about the political state of the world by Brexit and the election of serial failures like Trump and Johnson. Please check out the rest of the blog, check out Politically Enraged and share with your like minded friends! Also check him out on ko-fi where you can keep him caffeinated whilst he writes.

Jun 18, 202221:34
Episode 23: Ft Joris Lechene on being an effective activist

Episode 23: Ft Joris Lechene on being an effective activist

Joris is a fantastic activist and an all around wonderful person- every time I've ever seen his content he's always been so great at getting his point over and I recommend him to everyone. 

Today we talked about anti racism, intersectional existence and political activism and Joris brought new ideas about how we need to move forward. 

Joris' work is incredibly important and it's definitely worth following him, listening and learning because teaching is what Joris does best. 

Daviemoo is a 34 year old independent writer, radicalised into blogging about the political state of the world by Brexit and the election of serial failures like Trump and Johnson. Please check out the rest of the blog, check out Politically Enraged and share with your like minded friends! Also check him out on ko-fi where you can keep him caffeinated whilst he writes.

Jun 12, 202201:01:11
Episode 22: Shut up you f*ggot

Episode 22: Shut up you f*ggot

CW: This episode features the F slur. 

I feel so depressed now I've recorded this episode. I thought it might be a bit cathartic to speak about this. But reminding myself of the injustice of being called a slur and the person who did it facing absolutely no consequences has infuriated me.

I decided rather than just talking about generic stuff for pride I wanted to focus on the actual reality of being LGBT+ and showing you some of the things we face in our lives. Being LGBT+ has been a blessing and a curse for me. I like who I am, in spite of the hell I was put through growing up and some of the other sad things in my life as a result of my sexuality. Being part of this community is interesting for a lot of reasons and we aren't perfect- but neither is a society that refuses to accept that we exist because it meddles with the status quo.

I hope we see much more love towards the LGBT+ not in the form of people turning their stupid logo rainbow or that hated word, tolerance- but in acceptance, in uplifting and in people really showing up for us when we need it. Because we do- parts of our community are under vitriolic attack by bigots who will try to make themselves sound reasonable.
I've no doubt they will fail, but every person in our community taken before their time is as a result of their hateful rhetoric. And I'm loud and proud of being gay because 13 year old me used to pray that I would die because I believed I was broken: and I don't want that to happen to one single other child, but it does.

Daviemoo is a 34 year old independent writer, radicalised into blogging about the political state of the world by Brexit and the election of serial failures like Trump and Johnson. Please check out the rest of the blog, check out Politically Enraged and share with your like minded friends! Also check him out on ko-fi where you can keep him caffeinated whilst he writes.

Jun 04, 202225:42
Episode 21: Disunited Kingdom

Episode 21: Disunited Kingdom

Britain is multicultural, and has been since we ransacked other countries to build the empire we still support to this day. Multiculturalism is another ism that's been hijacked by the right to try and frighten people into voting conservative, and conservatism is going off the deep end, more and more every day.

When the usual checks and balances of governance no longer apply to the country how are we meant to fight back? The usual tools in place are useless- we can't shame the government, we can't embarrass them, we can't point out how useless they are under the miasma of endless nonsense they keep us swirling in: so how do we fight back? That's the question, on today's episode of Politically Enraged.

Daviemoo is a 34 year old independent writer, radicalised into blogging about the political state of the world by Brexit and the election of serial failures like Trump and Johnson. Please check out the rest of the blog, check out Politically Enraged and share with your like minded friends! Also check him out on ko-fi where you can keep him caffeinated whilst he writes.

May 26, 202225:16
Episode 20: Partygate Concluded- a damning verdict on the Johnson government and our very own Crime Sinister

Episode 20: Partygate Concluded- a damning verdict on the Johnson government and our very own Crime Sinister

Boris Johnson's wilful dismissal of rules has been known for years- his schoolteachers described him as a child shocked that they felt he should abide by the same rules as everyone else, he was taken to task repeatedly for his shoddy research work and even fired for lying in print. He had all the makings of a charlatan and has proved this over and over, and yet he is our sitting prime minister- the first sitting prime minister to be convicted of a crime whilst in office.

Johnson's campaign for office was built on the promise of great power if he lied to the nation about being able to make a success of brexit: his shoddy, poorly scrutinised deal was set to leave the UK in pain. To him, the pandemic was probably hugely fortuitous for the true cost of leaving the EU will remain buried for years under the cost of coronavirus- it gives him a chance to work on further privatisation of the NHS, and the war in Ukraine gives him the perfect cover to beg to remain in power even as evidence totters in piles that he is not the man to lead us through this- he is not the man to lead us at all. 

Johnson is a bad prime minister- whether he has had a "difficult time" or not, he is not up to the job and has wriggled out of punishment for law breaking on technicalities. The time has come to ask yourself whether you think this nationalistic bleating sheep is the one to lead us through war, financial crises, covid recovery, difficult brexit negotiations, the crackdown on hateful public rhetoric and more- or whether we deserve better from our leaders- Better than the very barest of the minimum. 

Daviemoo is a 34 year old independent writer, radicalised into blogging about the political state of the world by Brexit and the election of serial failures like Trump and Johnson. Please check out the rest of the blog, check out Politically Enraged,the blog and share with your like minded friends! Also check him out on ko-fiwhere you can keep him caffeinated whilst he writes.

May 19, 202215:28
Episode 19 Ft: TheChampagneSocialist - WHY is politics so messy!?

Episode 19 Ft: TheChampagneSocialist - WHY is politics so messy!?

I started following ChampagneSocialist because it was nice to see someone talk so factually about politics in a way that was engaging- plus he has really cool hair. Nothing has changed in my stance since then, about either politics or his hair, but he's worth the follow because he's more adept than most at cutting through the utter noncery that's going on in politics now and getting right to the point. I recommend his content to you! This was a very illuminating chat and I hope you enjoy listening to us going over just how messed up everything is and how we got to where we are, both he and I and the country!

May 17, 202201:09:42
Episode 18: Roe V Wade- or how women are not actually cattle you f*cking weirdos

Episode 18: Roe V Wade- or how women are not actually cattle you f*cking weirdos

Pregnancy is a joy for some people, a death sentence or a debilitating condition for others. But ultimately it's a biological function and one that you should be allowed to choose whether you want to have or not. The potential to create life doesn't necessarily dictate that you should, or that you would want to- we license people to drive cars despite most of us having bodies which are capable of doing it so why is the potential to create a living being treated with such a cavalier attitude? 

The irony of it all- the bible itself gives instruction on abortions. America claims to be one nation under god and yet so many parts of Christianity's seminal texts are overlooked - HATE THE GAYS but if you cheat you should be killed! WOMEN SHOULD BE SILENT but also dont eat shellfish or wear mixed fabrics. It's almost like a huge amount of christians are hilariously hypocritical and think they should be allowed to do whatever they want and dictate to others what they can and cannot do...

Forcing pregnancy on people reduces them to no more than the shell of an egg and women & the trans folk who have this foisted on them when they don't want it are bound to suffer for it. 

Banning abortion does not prevent abortion- it forces people into unscrupulous hands to get it.
This will kill people
Actual living people, not clumps of cells which may or may not become
Choosing potential future life over actual living breathing life displays how empty of humanity anti choice people truly are.

Daviemoo is a 34 year old independent writer, radicalised into blogging about the political state of the world by Brexit and the election of serial failures like Trump and Johnson. Please check out the rest of the blog, check out Politically Enraged,the blog and share with your like minded friends! Also check him out on ko-fiwhere you can keep him caffeinated whilst he writes.

May 07, 202220:31
Episode 17 Ft. Conzo - Sex workers rights and "Flan! The medalkran!"

Episode 17 Ft. Conzo - Sex workers rights and "Flan! The medalkran!"

Conzo is an awesome person- kind and funny, and very motivated to make the world a better place. The nordic model he's talking about is problematic in a great number of ways, and our conversation focused mainly on how important it is to destigmatise and demystify sex work.
Sex work is work, and it's important that we start to look after sex workers as individuals: Conzo's entire pathos is around doing just that- advocating for sex workers.
He's also a passionate animal lover and I can't not mention the fact that his adorable cat was crawling on him the entire time we were talking.
It was a huge pleasure to listen to him advocate for people who historically have been mistreated and know they're in safe hands with him.
You can find Conzo on tiktok at @Conzo03, on twitter and insta at @Conzo0311 - he's a total pleasure and his deeds are as sincere as he!
Daviemoo is a 34 year old independent writer, radicalised into blogging about the political state of the world by Brexit and the election of serial failures like Trump and Johnson. Please check out the rest of the blog, check out Politically Enraged,the blog and share with your like minded friends! Also check him out on ko-fiwhere you can keep him caffeinated whilst he writes.
May 03, 202249:45
Episode 16: Misogyny is apparently more important than *gestures at the UK in flames*

Episode 16: Misogyny is apparently more important than *gestures at the UK in flames*

When The Mail on Sunday (or as I like to refer to it, patterned toilet paper for the weekend) published its disgusting article about Angela Rayner I assumed- forgetting that the mail doesn't do morals- that they would rather quickly recant it and apologise on multiple fronts: one, for being misogynistic shitpipes who only seem to care about gutter press bottom line snarkery about opposition politicians and two, for the irony of dedicating an entire front page to explaining how the war thousands of miles away in Ukraine should take precedence over a prime minister who wilfully lied to parliament and the people over his inability to follow vital safety laws in lieu of birthday cake and leaving drinks. 

The mail has now doubled down on its sexism- a mistake, because news has broken on twitter of (to the surprise of nobody with a frontal lobe) misogyny in the Tory Party. 

My question is- why is the UK press more fascinated in jockey journalism written by fragile egos like Dan Hodges -who blocked me on twitter for laughing at him blaming Starmer's labour for the deficit caused by 12 years of tory fuckery, than actually doing the job of investigative journalists who hold corrupt and failing governments to account?

Hodges claims the article is for the freedom of the press: I posit that a free press might do more than write salacious articles about women daring to wear skirts in the presence of our most powerful representative.

Daviemoo is a 34 year old independent writer, radicalised into blogging about the political state of the world by Brexit and the election of serial failures like Trump and Johnson. Please check out the rest of the blog, check out Politically Enraged,the blog and share with your like minded friends! Also check him out on ko-fiwhere you can keep him caffeinated whilst he writes.

Apr 27, 202216:15
Episode 15 Ft: Jay Page - Trans rights are human rights

Episode 15 Ft: Jay Page - Trans rights are human rights

I started following Jay because he was funny, smart and eloquent in a way you rarely see people be on the internet. His gender journey has been something I've paid attention to because it's a topic close to my heart as a self-proclaimed trans ally, but it was also just refreshing to see someone getting such joy out of their journey, and sharing that with their audience.
Jay's comments are regularly full of praise for his music but also for his openness about who he is and how everything works for him and I'm super proud to call him a friend. Today's episode is around Jay's own experience of being trans in trans exclusive Britain from the perspective of an eloquent and engaging trans guy and I hope this, if not 'changes minds' causes those on the transphobic side to think about their beliefs differently.
You can find Jay's music on Spotify here and can find him on all social media, including instagram, twitter and tiktok
I'd also urge all my listeners to sign this petition to ban trans conversion therapy
Daviemoo is a 34 year old independent writer, radicalised into blogging about the political state of the world by Brexit and the election of serial failures like Trump and Johnson. Please check out the rest of the blog, check out Politically Enraged,the blog and share with your like minded friends! Also check him out on ko-fi where you can keep him caffeinated whilst he writes.
Apr 19, 202250:39
Episode 14: FT: Marina Purkiss - it's a fine day for tax dodgers and proven liars

Episode 14: FT: Marina Purkiss - it's a fine day for tax dodgers and proven liars

I was lucky to find Marina Purkiss on my twitter travails, and I followed her some time in 2021 after catching one of her tweets: she words things in such an incisive and insightful way: I was probably at 500 followers and tweeting about mostly nothing at the time but I knew I liked her.

Marina is a wonderful speaker and has been spotted all across the leftosphere as a voice of reason whose logical, concise and eloquent arguments have given pause to many a right wing demagogue, and it was a pleasure to have her on the podcast. 

We spoke about the bombshell out of the met today that Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak are to be given fines for breaking the lockdown laws, about the unfairness of our political system and staying sane when you're confronted with people determined to think you're the bad guy! 

You can find Marina on twitter @MarinaPurkiss and she's well worth a follow for political input and concise ideas of how to move through the murk of the British landscape! 

Apr 12, 202258:03
Episode 13: Britain is authoritarian FT: OpenBookshelf

Episode 13: Britain is authoritarian FT: OpenBookshelf

It's always fun to film an episode with someone who you both know and like, both as an archetype and a person: smart, eloquent people are the best and OpenBookshelf is a fabulous example of someone who is smart, funny and who articulates her points perfectly. I first became aware of her via TikTok thanks to some content she'd made about the nature of politics as an entity that exists beyond our borders and I've stayed tuned and listened to her speak on a wealth of topics. I recommend following her if you'd like to learn but feel valued at the same Time! Today's episode is a discussion of fact: we are under an authoritarian government and in fact a regime, no matter which way it's spun. But why don't people care? Listen to us unpack that, try to grab an understanding of how we deal with those who just cant afford to engage with politics and how we move forward as a country and as a group of people desperately in need of change.

Daviemoo is a 34 year old independent writer, radicalised into blogging about the political state of the world by Brexit and the election of serial failures like Trump and Johnson. Please check out the rest of the blog, check out Politically Enraged,the blog and share with your like minded friends! Also check him out on ko-fiwhere you can keep him caffeinated whilst he writes.
Apr 06, 202254:37
Episode 12: Why are we all so unhappy?!

Episode 12: Why are we all so unhappy?!

Recently I've tried to listen to both lefty and right wing voices on how things are working against us all: there are so many issues that divide us, that we're asked and told to focus on out of necessity or punditry, and it's exhausting. If the left want A B and C, the right want X Y and Z why do we never focus on all wanting D E F G H I J K L M N and none of us want P but it's being done anyway?

The ugly divide in politics is propagated by many on both sides and I'm determined to have, keep and advertise my lefty stance but understand why right wing people think, feel and accordingly, vote how they do. Follow me on a journey of discovery as I read books from people who's opinions on modernity I vehemently disagree with, but whose ideas I peel back to find... we're all in agreement that this doesn't work, and help me push the message: we deserve better.

Mar 30, 202224:38
Episode 11: Highlighting misogyny in healthcare

Episode 11: Highlighting misogyny in healthcare

Misogyny is horrific and common. That's not a debatable point, it's quite literally factual. It's everywhere, seeping into our society. I did much research on my blog post about medical misogyny and wanted to speak about it here too: because women's lives and healthcare is not up to scratch.

This isn't down to some evil cabal of doctors, it's due to the long standing misogynistic thinking that  built our modern medical system.
In today's episode I'm just musing on how serious the issue is and wondering why we don't deal with it- and I've mentioned some great people and ways of supporting women in society that you should look up. 

Mar 24, 202227:48
Episode 10: The Cost of Not Dying Crisis

Episode 10: The Cost of Not Dying Crisis

I hate the disingenuousness of calling it a "cost of living" crisis. It costs money to stay alive- what kind of a system is that.

Today is just a chat around why we're like this, why we accept it and what we do to move forward... if we can.

Daviemoo is a 34 year old independent writer, radicalised into blogging about the political state of the world by Brexit and the election of serial failures like Trump and Johnson. Please check out the rest of the blog, check out Politically Enraged,the blog and share with your like minded friends! Also check him out on ko-fiwhere you can keep him caffeinated whilst he writes.

Mar 20, 202227:13
Episode 9: What f*cking "Culture war"- its our lives? LGBTQIA+ in the west
Mar 10, 202229:28
Episode 8: The worst timeline
Mar 03, 202221:11
Episode 7: What the f*ck even is Nationalism anyway

Episode 7: What the f*ck even is Nationalism anyway

From the moment the Brexit vote was announced I had a slippery suspicion the UK would be at war with itself over defining what it meant to be British. Objectively it appears to be hating masks, liking football and being okay with corruption. Don't we deserve better than the politicians we have?

Today's solo episode is just a rant about why we're being failed by politicians who think dragging a St. George's Cross out of their bottom drawer and draping themselves in it sorts out all the problems we face, and talks about how a PM steeped in Russian money might not be the best one to lead us through a world war- especially because he's ill equipped to run a kilometre, never mind a country. 

Thanks for joining us at politically enraged, as always we hope you enjoy! Follow us on social media!

Feb 24, 202220:03
Episode 6 - LEFTIES- UNITE!
Feb 15, 202228:21
Episode 5- Ft. Femi on brexit- the cause and the future

Episode 5- Ft. Femi on brexit- the cause and the future

I first became aware of Femi because I saw him speaking at length on the impending disaster of Brexit and I've dogged his career since then, desperate to try and untangle exactly why everything headed in the direction it did. Every time I think I've sort of solved the mystery and started to understand why the UK decided to vote as it did a new firework goes off in my head, usually with Femi lighting the flame.
Much like him, I was "radicalised" in the least scary sense of the word by Brexit... it enraged me to see so many people being led to believe that the country was trying to divest power back to the working class when it was so clear the opposite was happening. And here we sit now, untangling the mess. The conversation is deep and gets murky, but ends with hope for a better future.
Speaking to someone as knowledgeable and frankly nice as Femi was a total treat, I was really happy to sit down with him and get his thoughts down on record- but it also gave me a taste of what I hope I make other people feel - understood, validated and sane in a world that just seems to keep on throwing madness bombs at us.
We also touch on the madness of a PM who spouts far right conspiracy theories which led to today's mobbing of Keir Starmer- and how that contributes to the disinformation age that ushered Brexit in.
Femi can be found on twitter, Tiktok and instagram at @femi_sorry and he's a great lefty follow if you aren't already!!
Politically enraged is a passion project which has quickly taken over a huge portion of my life- the last year has been spent working towards creating this podcast and the blog, to help people understand politics and political discourse and feel supported to fight back.
The blog is regularly updated with articles about current events, and can be found at -you can find me on social media - @daviemoo and @politicalragers on twitter, @daviemoo and @politicallyenraged on instagram and I finally started a Ko-fi for people who want to support me- found at:
Remember- stay politically engaged and get politically enraged, and let's make the world a better place together!
Feb 08, 202256:57
Episode 4 Ft: Bounce on "anti-wokery" and the sinking ship of Johnson's party
Feb 03, 202201:13:18
Episode 3: Ft. Supertanskiii - Downing Street corruption

Episode 3: Ft. Supertanskiii - Downing Street corruption

I met Supertanskiii on tiktok- I'd been voicing my views on the madness of British politics and one day one of her videos caught my eye- there was someone else spinning the sorry tale of British politics with humour, wit and swearing: I was infatuated. She followed me back pretty quickly and before long we slid into each other's DMs. It could be the start of romance, except Tan and I both think men are hot- but a friendship was forged that ran deeper than politics, but has weathered over a year of daily chats about our post truth and present morons era.  Tan and I are in a small group chat of our fellow political engagees- Aid Thompsin who has had us both on his wonderful Podcast, "Aid Thompsin and other disappointments", BedHead aka Jules, RevolutionaryGirlNina, Aka the fiercely intelligent Maria Norris who runs the podcast Enemies of the People about radicalisation in the UK, TGA1976, AKA Scott our news interpreter for the masses- and with masses of sass and smarts, Bouncebackabillyblog AKA Billy, one of the funniest & most politically switched on humans out there- and whose wife is a living legend: "Is she a victorian orphan?!". MattMatt777, AKA Matt who, like me, is a no shit taking northern lad who fights the good fight for those who can't be heard, JohnLeftOfTheCountryside, a no nonsense brainbox whose political and analytical skills are second to none, and Toby Presson, whose insight into the workings of British politics has helped us get the scoop even as the press are gleefully pressing send on a tweet. Together our group has kept each other sane during the darkest time of our collective lives: Covid.  Together we all do what we can to change people's lives for the more enlightened and, hopefully, better. So welcome on the journey to meeting everyone and understanding why we do what we do, what we think, and who we're telling to fuck off this week on POLITICALLY ENRAGED! Please don't forget to also visit for regular blog posts & contributions from other guest writers. 

I can be found on social media as follows: Twitter, instagram, Tiktok: @daviemoo

And for updates on the podcast you can go to @politicalragers on twitter and @politicallyenraged on instagram!

I'd also massively appreciate any support- here!

Jan 26, 202201:02:24