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Just BE - Matters of Justice and Biblical Equality

Just BE - Matters of Justice and Biblical Equality

By Krista Lucich

Just BE season 1 offers fresh perspectives on what the Bible has to say about women and leadership. Too many women have been side-lined in today's churches due to controversial teachings of the "complimentary" mindset that places limits on the roles women can have. If you are looking to build your foundation in being able to understand and share the truth of biblical equality with those around you, then you are in the right place.
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11. The 100th Anniversary of Women's Suffrage - The Interacting of Culture, Faith and Politics

Just BE - Matters of Justice and Biblical EqualityAug 18, 2020

25. "A woman should learn" 1 Tim 2:11 - and why women should go to seminary

25. "A woman should learn" 1 Tim 2:11 - and why women should go to seminary

Replaying this episode from 2020, recorded almost a year before I started seminary! Thanks for your patience as I play some repeats during this busy season of life. Keep learning! Keep going! ~Krista

At the founding of the early church, most women lacked the educational backgrounds that were afforded to men. Krista takes a closer look at how the Apostle Paul addresses this problem.   Scripture references: 1 Timothy 2:11-12 1 Corinthians 14:35 Romans 12 Galatians 3:28 Proverbs 4:5-9

Jun 09, 202310:24
24. Blaming Eve for The Fall, Prescribing Patriarchy and other bad ideas

24. Blaming Eve for The Fall, Prescribing Patriarchy and other bad ideas

Throughout the ages, the story of Eve's fruit eating faux paw has been used to support notions of women as being more prone to deception than men and viewed as temptresses and man's downfall.  In her fallen world Eve's husband would have the upper hand, and she would experience pain in childbirth. Rather than viewing these outcomes as tragic results of living in a world tainted with sin,  this story only confirmed the biases against women, and hailed the outcome of male-rule as a blessed solution to sin. But what if there was a better way to read and understand this story? Krista provides a clear and cohesive argument to support that the idea that the original state of equality and partnership between men and women as the ideal we must continue to strive toward. 

Mar 23, 202328:08
23. First Things First: Equality in Creation

23. First Things First: Equality in Creation

Replay review session! Men and women are co-image bearers of God, created to function as co-workers. Spoiler alert: women were not created to be subordinate "helpers" of men. Listen in to find out all the biblical evidence that supports this claim.

Find out more episode details by checking out the show notes of Episode 2 from 5/22/20. Enjoy!

Mar 13, 202328:36
22. America's First World Renown Sex-Trafficking Whistle-blower: Kate Bushnell

22. America's First World Renown Sex-Trafficking Whistle-blower: Kate Bushnell

*Trigger warning, but not too explicit*
Learn about *and be inspired by* this amazing woman who was a doctor, investigative reporter, advocate, international speaker, and biblical scholar during the late 19th century, until her death in 1946. She helped change laws both in the US and abroad to outlaw prostitution, ministered to (and freed) women caught in sexual slavery around the globe, and contributed biblical scholarship to dismantle the ways that sexism and patriarchy entangled themselves in the church and biblical studies.
Reach out on Facebook, or at!
Show notes:
Baker-Johnson, Sharon. “The Life and Influence of Jessie Penn-Lewis.” Priscilla
Papers, Spring 2012.
Bushnell, Katharine. Union Signal, November 2, 1893, 5.
----- “Biography.” Francis Willard House and Archives at The Center for Women’s
History and Leadership. Accessed August 2021.
Bushnell, Katharine, C. God’s Word to Women. Ed. by Amy Francis. 1903 and 2016.
Du Mez, Kristin Kobes. A New Gospel for Women: Katharine Bushnell and the
Challenge Of Christian Feminism. Oxford University Press, 2015.
Haddad, Mimi. “Christian Compassion or Complicity: The Abuse and Gendercide of
God’s Daughters.” She Loves. June 19, 2015.
Haddad, Mimi. “A Life of Silence Breaking: Katharine Bushnell, MD.” Catalyst. March
22, 2018.
Hardwick, Dana. Oh Though Woman That Bringest Good Tidings: The Life and Work of
Katharine C. Bushnell. Wipf and Stock Publishers, 1995.
----- “Mission and Vision.” Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. Accessed August 19, 2021.
Walsh, Julie. “What Katharine Bushnell Still Has to Teach Us Today.” Priscillia Papers.
Winter 2020. January 31, 2020.
Oct 22, 202135:40
21. Addressing 1 Timothy 2:12 (Again)

21. Addressing 1 Timothy 2:12 (Again)

1 Timothy 2:12, "I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man," has long been misunderstood and used to reinforce unhealthy (and unchristian) gender dynamics. If you're caught wondering, "What does this verse even mean? What is this passage all about?" then listen in to this episode and share with a friend!  

Aug 03, 202128:05
20. Is the curse on Eve prescriptive or descriptive? ("Is it wrong to alleviate pain in childbirth?" and other thoughts) ~REPLAY from 5/29/20

20. Is the curse on Eve prescriptive or descriptive? ("Is it wrong to alleviate pain in childbirth?" and other thoughts) ~REPLAY from 5/29/20

Eve wasn't deceived because she was a woman, no more that Adam sinned because he was a man. That the story of original sin has played into the hands of those who would contend that women aren't suitable as leaders and decision makers is a clear misreading of Genesis 3. 

Throughout the ages, the story of Eve's deception has been used to support notions of women as being prone to deception and viewed as temptresses.  In her fallen world, Eve's husband would have the upper hand, and she would experience pain in childbirth. Rather than viewing these outcomes as tragic results of living in a world tainted with sin,  this story only confirmed the biases against women, and hailed the outcome of male-rule as a blessed solution to sin. But what if there was a better way to read and understand this story? Krista provides a clear and cohesive argument to support that the idea that the original state of equality and partnership between men and women as the ideal we must continue to strive toward.

Feb 25, 202128:08
19. Qualifications for Church Leaders - 1 Timothy 3:1-13 with Marg Mowczko
Feb 05, 202136:07
18. The Death Penalty and Justice: The Unsettling Case of Lisa Montgomery and a Call for Clemency

18. The Death Penalty and Justice: The Unsettling Case of Lisa Montgomery and a Call for Clemency

In this episode Krista and her guests, attorney Kelley Henry and Diane Mattingly, explore the humanity of one of "the least of these"--a victim of extreme abuse, mental illness and a death-row inmate, Lisa Montgomery. Kelley and Diane make a strong case for clemency for Lisa and describe the psychological toll that unchecked child abuse and torture can have on a person. Diane speaks about the power of love in a child's life and shares the dramatic impact her own foster family had on her life as she pleads for the president to show clemency, giving her sister life in prison without parole.
You can sign the petition here.
Click here for Diane Mattingly's featured article on
The Case of Lisa Montgomery: A Childhood of Torture, Rape, And Sex Trafficking Leading to Lifelong Mental Illness
"Lisa Montgomery’s life has been marked by relentless trauma and terror, exacerbating her genetic predisposition to severe mental illness. Lisa committed her crime while in the grip of a psychotic episode and even today, she must take a complex cocktail of medications to stave off recurrent psychosis.
She is the only woman under a federal death sentence and the only woman on death row in the entire country for the type of crime that she committed. Although Lisa was only recently denied an appeal, the government has already set a date for her execution on December 8, 2020 [now moved to January 12, 2021 due to Covid-19]. Lisa’s case has been marked by gender discrimination, ineffective lawyering, and other serious errors.
Lisa is a survivor of child abuse, domestic violence, incest, multiple rapes, and child sex trafficking. Lisa’s mother sexually trafficked her starting when she was a small child, including allowing her to be gang raped by adult men on multiple occasions and telling Lisa she had to “earn her keep.” Her years of torture at the hands of caregivers, documented brain damage, and severe mental illness have severed her connection with reality; without antipsychotic medication, she would lose the ability to understand what is happening to her and to know what is real.": [Keep reading at:}
Music by Veronica Cinibulk.
Dec 11, 202024:50
17. Part 2, Should Women REALLY "Remain Silent" in Church? Responding to some limiting views of 1 Corinthians 14:34-35

17. Part 2, Should Women REALLY "Remain Silent" in Church? Responding to some limiting views of 1 Corinthians 14:34-35

Does the Bible really teach that women are to remain silent in church? As in silent, silent? For all time??? Why did Paul say this and what did he mean?

1 Corinthians 14:34 says, "Women should remain silent in the church. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission as the law says," but WHY and WHAT does Paul mean in saying this??? And what about this mysterious "law" that's mentioned? How can we make sense of this passage, especially given the many other ways that Paul encourages men AND women to participate (with the spoken word!) in church? 

In the last episode, we explored several possible ways of understanding this passage that seem to be the most consistent with what we learn about in several other key passages of the New Testament, and that do not universally exclude women from speaking in church. 

In this episode, we'll discuss how some Bible teachers interpret this passage in a way that reinforces their mindset that women are restricted from preaching in church. 

We start with John MacArthur and his criticisms of Beth Moore, along with taking a brief look at his sermon on 1 Corinthians 14:34-35. You can find those talks here and here

Next, we consider what John Piper has to say about women preaching in this Q and A clip. Even though he is a zealous supporter of complimentarity with hierarchy, he does not line up with MacArthur that women need to be silent in church. 

D.A. Carson shares his position on this text in Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, edited by John Piper and Wayne Grudem, but doesn't offer any clear explanation of the text. 

Lastly, we examined Denny Birk's article, "Must Women Be Silent In Churches? (I Corinthians 14:34-35)" published by the 9Marks organization. 

Scripture references include:

1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Corinthians 1:2 and 11:5, & Romans 12:12-13. 

Music by 

Dec 04, 202021:52
16. Should Women Really "Remain SILENT" in Church? Responding to 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, Part 1

16. Should Women Really "Remain SILENT" in Church? Responding to 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, Part 1

Does the Bible really teach that women are to remain silent in church? Silent silent? For all time? Why did Paul say this and what did he mean?

1 Corinthians 14:34 says, "Women should remain silent in the church. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission as the law says," but WHY and WHAT does Paul mean in saying this??? And what about this nonexistent "law"? How can we make sense of this passage, especially given the many other ways that Paul encourages men AND women to participate (with the spoken word!) in church?  Listen in to find out more!

In Part 1 in this study of 1 Corinthians 14:34-35,  Krista Lucich, explores current biblical scholarship on this difficult passage of scripture and offers several helpful explanations that don't necessary require women to take a vow of silence whenever they enter a church. Check out Part 2 to take a critical look at ways that some people use this verse to support the marginalization of women in church settings.

I'd LOVE to hear from you! Leave me a message here! Find me on facebook!

Please check out the sources used in preparation for this episode:

1 Corinthians 1:5-10, 11:21, 12:12, 12:21, 14:1-40, NIV

Bristow, John Temple. What Paul Really Said About Women.  Harper & Row, 1988.

Hill, Graham Joseph. Holding Up Half the Sky: A Biblical Case for Women Leading and Teaching in the Church. Cascade Books, 2020.

McKnight, Scot. The Blue Parakeet: Rethinking How You Read the Bible. Zondervan, 2008.

Keener, Craig. "Learning In The Assemblies: 1 Corinthians 14:34-35." Groothius and Pierce, Discovering Biblical Equality: Complimentarity Without Hierarchy. Intervarsity Press, 2004.

Westfall, Cynthia Long. Paul and Gender: Reclaiming the Apostle's Vision for Men and Women In Christ. Baker Academic, 2016.

Helpful articles by Marg Mowzcko are here, and here.

John MacArthur's full sermon can be found here.

Music by

Nov 29, 202023:18
15. Heading off misconceptions of authority, heads & head coverings in 1 Corinthians 11

15. Heading off misconceptions of authority, heads & head coverings in 1 Corinthians 11

1 Corinthians 11 says some things that are difficult for modern readers to fully grasp, and unfortunately, often this passage is interpreted in what seems like misogynistic way. In this episode we uncover a few surprising truths from this passage: "head" does not indicate "authority" in 11:3, a head covering was a sign of status and privilege for the women of Corinth, and that women have authority and glory of their own! Listen in! 

Leave me a voice message here,!   Or reach out on Facebook, here www.faceboo

Related episodes: 2. In the Beginning: The "Male and Female" Joint Partnership in Creation

Show notes (go to if the show notes aren’t formatted well in your podcast app). 

Fee, Gordon. "Praying and Prophesying in the Assemblies: 1 Corinthians 11:2-16." Discovering Biblical Equality: Complimentarity Without Hierarchy. Ronald Pierce. 2004. 

Here's Bruxey Cavey's quote and his series on marriage: Love, Lust & Loyalty. October 2016. 

Women's Study Bible footnoted by Mary J. Evans and Catherine C. Kroeger 

Articles by Marg Mowczko:  

"Women's Hair in Corinth and in Sydney,"  "Man and Woman as the Image and Glory of God."

 Cynthia Long Westfall lecture, "Does Paul Really Threaten to Shave Women's Heads?" February 4, 2020.  YouTube. 

Westfall, Cynthia Long. Paul and Gender: Reclaiming the Apostle's Vision for Men and Women in Christ. 2015. 

Outakes/Extra Information:

 *“Another piece of evidence that shows kephalē did not usually mean “leader” in ancient Greek is that LSJ, the most exhaustive lexicon of ancient Greek, does not include any definition of kephalē that approximates “leader” or “authority”...Al Wolters, who identifies as a complementarian, states that kephalē with a meaning of “leader” is “virtually unattested in pagan Greek literature until about the fourth century AD.”[7] [And, “As far as pagan Greek literature is concerned, LSJ (1996) is entirely justified in omitting the meaning “chief” or “leader” from its entry on kephalē.”[8]...Unfortunately, it seems that many Christians have simply presumed that “head” means “authority” in 1 Corinthians 11:3 as well as in other verses such as Ephesians 5:23. (Head) 

*Is the authority of every man is Christ? Sure, we could say that, even though every man does not choose to come under Christ’s authority.  But, can we say the authority of Christ is God, because Christ and God are 2 parts of the same Trinitarian God and they act in perfect union, not as a hierarchy (although our complementarian friends are actually trying to argue for this, which has been linked to the Arian heresy, which is a topic I have slated to cover soon). Lastly, we could try to say the leader or authority of woman is man, and this is used to suppose that husbands are the leader and authority of their wives, but that is also questionable, especially since Genesis 1:28 gives men and women equal standing as rulers and co-regents in the Garden of Eden. Also, what about single women? So let’s try the metaphor that the Greeks used for the word kephale, instead of supplanting our own linguistic metaphors. 

*As for glory, Lucy Peppiatt argues that this is actually a Corinthian saying that is a corrupted version of Genesis 1:27, that Paul then responds to in Rediscovering Scripture's Vision for Women. 2019.


Nov 05, 202034:01
14. The 12 Male Apostles and the Interpretive Bias Tradition Can Create

14. The 12 Male Apostles and the Interpretive Bias Tradition Can Create

Did Jesus actually intend for his choice of 12 male disciples to set the standard for Christian leaders henceforth? 

While the 12 people Jesus chose to be his disciples were Jews, the church does not regard Jewish ethnicity as a prerequisite for pastoring, leading, etc.  However, while the 12 Jesus chose to be his disciples were men, the Church in large part DOES regard masculinity as a prerequisite for pastoring, leading, etc. Is this an appropriate conclusion to draw? 

Catholic theologians regard the maleness of "the 12" as conclusive evidence for male-only ordination. Meanwhile, Protestant theologians who agree with the conclusion of the Catholic church, do not agree that the maleness of the 12 provides sufficient reasoning for excluding women from ordination.  If they can't agree on the reasoning for their conclusions, is the reasoning as strong as their conclusion seems?

In this episode Krista explains: 1) the significance of the 12 male apostles is a sign of the fulfillment of Old Covenant promises to the people of Israel, and 2) there were LOTS of apostles--with women among them! ( 1 Cor 15:6, Romans 16:7, Luke 10:1)  

The 12 male apostles served a symbolic purpose that spoke to the Jews of a promise fulfilled; but after Pentecost the gospel would go forth to all kinds of people through all kinds of people


Smietana, Bob. "Sunday Morning in America Still Segregated – and That’s OK With Worshipers." Lifeway Research. January 15, 2015. 


DeTurris, Mary. "Why Women Can't Be Priests." Our Sunday Visitor. December 17, 1995.

Schreiner, Tom. “A male apostolate does not prove that women should not serve as leaders, but when combined with the other evidence, it does serve as confirmatory evidence for the complementarian view.” 

Mowczko, Marg. "The Twelve Apostles Were All Male."  Exploring the biblical theology of Christian egalitarianism. May 2, 2002.

Bilezikian, Gilbert. Community 101. Taken from God's Word to Women, 2005.

Westfall, Cynthia Long. Paul and Gender: Reclaiming the Apostle's Vision for Men and Women in Christ. 2015. 

Music by Krista Lucich. 

Oct 13, 202023:18
13. What Jesus and a couple of Mary’s can teach us about gender inclusivity
Oct 05, 202021:23
12. Practicing Faithfulness, Friendship & Social Justice - Life Lessons with Author Maggie Wallem Rowe
Aug 27, 202031:23
11. The 100th Anniversary of Women's Suffrage - The Interacting of Culture, Faith and Politics
Aug 18, 202020:51
10. What about the "wives submit to your husbands" verses?
Jul 24, 202023:47
9. Working as a team: Mutual Submission in Marriage with Rick McKinniss, part 2
Jul 04, 202023:44
8. Becoming Egalitarian with Rick McKinniss, part 1

8. Becoming Egalitarian with Rick McKinniss, part 1

Krista chats with pastor and author Rick McKinniss about how he led his church to embrace the full and equal partnership of men and women as taught in the Bible. In this episode, Rick offers insight on broader cultural issues facing America and the need to re-examine the Bible against traditional ideas of manhood and womanhood. 

Equally Yoked: What the Bible Really Teaches About God’s Ideal for the Genders by Rick McKinniss

“God’s purpose in redemption is to ‘restore everything’ (Acts 3:21) affected by the fall of humanity and the entrance of sin in the world, including the restoration of his creation ideal of full and equal partnership of male and female. He is constructing a cathedral of living stones—male and female restored to their original purposeful partnership.” ~ Rick McKinniss

Jun 26, 202032:42
7. Q & A on Race with Singer/Songwriter Ava Range + Live Performance!

7. Q & A on Race with Singer/Songwriter Ava Range + Live Performance!

Krista sits down with teen bi-racial/singer-songwriter/aspiring-preacher Ava Range as they discuss racism, song writing, and what it means to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God during this season of social unrest. Ava explains the inspiration for her new song and performs it live in studio. 

Jun 19, 202016:59
6. Women's Theological Education - A Meditation on 1 TImothy 2:11

6. Women's Theological Education - A Meditation on 1 TImothy 2:11

At the founding of the early church, most women lacked the educational backgrounds that were afforded to men. Krista takes a closer look at how the Apostle Paul addresses this problem.
Scripture references:
1 Timothy 2:11-12
1 Corinthians 14:35
Romans 12
Galatians 3:28
Proverbs 4:5-9
Jun 12, 202010:24
5. "I do not permit a woman" - The 1 Timothy 2 Premise

5. "I do not permit a woman" - The 1 Timothy 2 Premise

In this episode Krista deconstructs the traditional understandings of 1 Timothy 2:12 that prohibit women from exercising authority or leadership positions in a co-ed church setting, and offers a more likely and compelling understanding of what this passage is saying.  This episode is for anyone who cares strongly about striving toward accurate understandings of the Bible. Listen and share!



Bruxy Cavey, "Her Story 04: Learning From The Prohibitive Passages." February 25, 2019.

N.T. Wright Interview, "N .T. Wright Explains 1 Timothy 2, 11 - 15." August 3, 2016.

"Paul and Gender with Dr. Cynthia Westfall & Bruxy Cavey | The Meeting House After Party." February 23, 2019.

Westfall, Cynthia. Paul and Gender: Reclaiming the Apostle's Vision for Men and Women in Christ. 2016.

Peppiat, Lucy. Rediscovering Scripture's Vision for Women: Fresh Perspectives On Disputed Texts. InterVarsity Press. 2019.

Bristow, John Temple. What Paul Really Said About Women: The Apostle's Liberating Views On Equality in Marriage, Leadership, and Love.

Kroeger, Richard and Catherine Clark Kroeger. I Suffer Not A Woman: Rethinking 1 Timothy 2:11-15 in Light Of Ancient Evidence.  1998.

Belleville, Linda, L. "Teaching and Usurping Authority." Discovering Biblical Equality: Complimentarity Without Hierarchy, Ed. Gordon Fee. 2005.

Jun 05, 202028:05
4. BONUS - George Floyd Tribute
Jun 01, 202006:03


Throughout his life and ministry, Jesus Christ was in the business of breaking down barriers of social, ethnic, and gender inequalities. He continues to welcome, uplift and empower all people to follow him.

Season 1 of This podcast explores afresh how the Bible maintains the full equality and partnership of men and women. We’ll also draw our attention to prominent women throughout Christian history and the continued need for the empowerment of others in our world today.

If you think that scripture teaches that being a woman disqualifies you from being a leader in your home, church or world at large, you need to listen to this podcast! If you are looking to build your foundation in being able to share the truth of biblical equality with those around you, then you are in the right place. I know you’ll be blessed.

I’m Krista Lucich and this is Just Be: Matters of Justice and Biblical Equality. Please Listen and subscribe today!

Jun 01, 202001:12
3. The Fall -- Genesis 3 and Our World Today

3. The Fall -- Genesis 3 and Our World Today

Throughout the ages, the story of Eve's tragic decision has been used to support notions of women as being prone to deception and viewed as temptresses.  In her fallen world Eve's husband would have the upper hand, and she would experience pain in childbirth. Rather than viewing these outcomes as tragic results of living in a world tainted with sin,  this story only confirmed the biases against women, and hailed the outcome of male-rule as a blessed solution to sin. But what if there was a better way to read and understand this story? Krista provides a clear and cohesive argument to support that the idea that the original state of equality and partnership between men and women as the ideal we must continue to strive toward. 

May 29, 202028:08
2. In the Beginning: The "Male and Female" Joint Partnership in Creation

2. In the Beginning: The "Male and Female" Joint Partnership in Creation

Krista explores key details in the creation accounts: male and female as co-image bearers of God, male and female as co-workers in the garden, and Adam's need of Eve. Considering the report on the welfare of women by the Millennium Project, statistics bear out the truth that equal empowerment of men and women has a lasting positive impact. 


Peppiat, Lucy. Rediscovering Scripture's Vision for Women: Fresh Perspectives On Disputed Texts. InterVarsity Press. 2019. 

Silk, Suzy. "The Controversial Jesus--Jesus, Women, and Leadership," Church of the City New York. May 21, 2018. 

McKinniss, Rick. Equally Yoked: What the Bible Really Teaches About God's Ideal for the Genders. Xulon Press. 2009. 

Challenge 11. How can the changing status of women help improve the human condition?

May 22, 202028:36
1. Introduction to Just BE: Gender Equality and the Church
May 15, 202018:15